Saturday, September 12, 2009

Blog for the blog of it

Reading: The Whole Five Feet: What Great Books Taught Me about Life, Death, and Pretty Much Everything Else. A young man's desparate task to read all the volumes of the Harvard Classics. The good oldies like Don Quixote, Plato, and Milton. Bacon, Franklin, Penn, Woolman, etc. A memoir about the arduous but rewarding task of reading all those stuffy books meant for cigar smoking elitist armchair figures. No vampires, that is unless they appear in the Grimm's Tales. No zombies, that is unless you can try to see Hamlet as a blood fest that it is with a zombie like cast.

Watching: The Nines. It is bizarre. It blows your mind. You think.... "Huh." Best word to describe how you feel after watching it: quizzical. Imagining a world just like our own but not our own. Great movie, but I'd only recommend it for those looking to think. This is not a mindless adventure/thriller/comedy. Could we be creators of a virtual world? Could someone create our world and we are just virtual beings? Could someone who created us be addicted to us, our world, and the drama within it like so many are addicted to role playing games like the Sims?

Listening: Regina Spektor and her cd Far. There is a song of hers that encapsulates the whole feeling of The Nines actually. After seeing the movie the song made sense. She is also a light hearted, fun, philosophical music master.

Looking at: Recycled art. Houses built from scrap, garbage, recyclables, bottles, picture frames, and nature.

Being? A connoisseur of beer and all things brewed. I will have more news on what I drank soon...


Sophie's musings, trappings, conundrums, and fancies. Design by Exotic Mommie. Illustraion By DaPino