Monday, May 24, 2010

I'm so... LOST!

Do not read if you don't want spoilers....

LOST ended. It ended. I watched all the way through 3.5 hours. Ok maybe I was stitching and sewing for part of it, but I absorbed the jist. I was confused, so looked to my fellow fans and what the blog discussions were brewing up.

This comment in the blogosphere enlightened me the most:

"**in my reading of tonight's episode, though, everyone died in the plane crash featured in the series premiere. Agree?**


Every that happened, happened. Whoever survived the crash, survived the crash. But they were all dead at the end.

Boone died from the falling plane. Shannon was shot. Charlie drowned. Jack was knifed at the end.

Those that were alive at the end of tonight went on to live their lives, and they died whenever they died.

The Island was NOT purgatory, but the Sideways Reality WAS a kind of waiting room between death and the "next step," which we saw as the bright light when Christian opened the door. The Sideways Reality was an artificial construct, which did NOT take place in 2004, as we had supposed, but was timeless, it existed outside of time. It was a construct, as Christian said, so that, after their individual deaths, whenever they happened, they could "find" themselves."

So... SPOILER ALERT... They are all dead. They are leaving for their ending. They are saying goodbye to their lives. The sideways universe was just a universe to wait in, to prepare in for when they'll all come to their realizations. They are finally with their loved ones. They never truly die, but they are dead. Everything was real. But so was their ending. Wow. I should be in bed but I'm philosophicizing about LOST.

Wow.... we will all die one day and that's so sad. I hope my life has that ending. I hope I meet Kris again in my sideways universe and he and I have the reunion Sawyer and Juliet had. (I need a hydrogen bomb first.......). Kris is my Sawyer. Maybe he'll call me lovey and I'll remember. I'll see it. And we go together to a beautiful church. And we say hello to everyone we ever loved. And we see a light and we.... are as we once were. We leave because it's our time. I now love the ending- but only for its poetry as applied to how I could only hope to go.

If my LOST ending with Kris doesn't work out- I'll do one of those Titanic ones. Not the Leo and Kate version- but the old couple who hold each others hands as they are surrounded by water. That's what I would want- second to the LOST ending.

Moral of my deranged late night blog: I love my husband a lot. More that anyone in this world. I'd be lost without him. He is my Jin to my Sun, my Bernard to my Rose, my Hurley to my Libby, my Jack to my Kate, my Sawyer to my Juliet, my Sayid to my Shannon.

We live together or we die alone.


Sophie's musings, trappings, conundrums, and fancies. Design by Exotic Mommie. Illustraion By DaPino